Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Recent Arrivals in the Serials Section

The readers may browse the following new issues which are on the display :
Indian Journal of Dairy Sciences
62(4); 1 Jul-31 Aug, 2009

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society
86(12); 1 Dec-31 Dec, 2009

Computer Science
28(1); 1 Jan-15 Jan, 2010
Electronic World
115(12); 1 Dec-31 Dec, 2009
IEEE Communications Magazine
47(12); 1 Dec-31 Dec, 2009

Creativity Research Journal
21(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec,2009
Journal of Educational Research
103(1); 1 Jan-28 Feb,2010
The Times Higher Education Supplement
1926; 10 Dec-16 Dec,2009
1927; 17 Dec-30 Dec,2009
Prospects: Education in France
39(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2009

General science
New Scientist
203(2718); 19 Jul-25 Jul,2009
203(2719); 26 Jul-1 Aug,2009
203(2721); 9 Aug-15 Aug,2009
203(2722); 16 Aug-22 Aug,2009
326(8); 28 Nov-4 Dec, 2009
Science Reporter
47(1); 1 Jan-31 Oct, 2010
Scientific American India
5(1); 1 Jan-31 Jan, 2010

25(6); 1 Jan-31 Jan, 2010
29(11); 1 Jan-31 Jan, 2010
42(3); 1 Sep-31 Oct, 2009
The Times Literary Supplement
5567; 6 Dec-11 Dec, 2009
5568-5569; [COMBINE] 12 Dec-26 Dec, 2009
International review of applied linguistics: IRAL
47(3-4); [COMBINE] 1 Jul-31 Dec, 2009

ABU Technical Review
240; 1 Oct-31 Dec, 2009

38(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec, 2009

Library Science
DESIDOC Bulletin of information technology
30(1); 1 Jan-28 Feb, 2010
ILA Bulletin
45(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec, 2009
Journal of American Society for Information Science & Technology
60(6); 11 May-5 Jun, 2009
Journal of Documentation
65(6); 1 Nov-31 Dec, 2009
Library Collections, Acquisition of Technical Services
33(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec, 2009

Management Science
Ex-imp Times
32(1); 1 Jan-15 Jan, 2010
Indian Journal of Marketing
40(1); 1 Jan-31 Jan, 2010

American Journal of Mathematics
131(6); 1 Nov-31 Dec, 2009
Mathematics Teacher
103(5); 1 Dec, 2009 31 Jan, 2010

Public Administration

The Indian Journal of Public Administration
55(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep, 2009

Annals of Tourism Research
36(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec, 2009

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