Sunday, October 25, 2009

Recent Arrivals in the Serials Section

The readers may browse the following new issues which are on the display:
62(5); 1 Aug-31 Aug,2009
Indian Journal of Dairy Sciences
62(3); 1 May-30 Jun,2009
Harvard Business Review
87(9); 1 Sep-30 Sep,2009
87(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct,2009
Computer Science
IEEE Communications Magazine
47(9); 1 Sep-30 Sep, 2009
Distance Education
Indian Journal of Open
18(2); 1 May-31 Aug,2009
International Journal of Educational Development
29(6); 1 Nov-31 Dec,2009
The Times Higher Education Supplement
1913; 10 Sep-16 Sep,2009
1914; 17 Sep-23 Sep,2009
1915; 24 Sep-30 Sep,2009
1916; 1 Oct-7 Oct,2009
University News
47(41); 12 Oct-18 Oct,2009
47(42); 19 Oct-25 Oct,2009

English Language & Literature
PMLA (Supplements)
124(3); 1 May-30 Jun, 2009

Modern Fiction Studies
55(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep, 2009
The Times Literary Supplement
5554; 4 Sep-11 Sep, 2009
5555; 11 Sep-18 Sep, 2009
5556; 19 Sep-25 Sep,2009
5557; 26 Sep-2 Oct,2009
5558; 3 Oct-9 Oct, 2009
Georgia Review
63(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep, 2009
General Science
461(7261); 10 Sep-16 Sep,2009
461(7262); 17 Sep-24 Sep,2009
461(7263); 18 Sep-24 Sep,2009
461(7264); 25 Sep-1 Oct,2009
461(7265); 2 Oct-8 Oct,2009
325(32); 28 Aug-3 Sep, 2009
325(33); 4 Sep-10 Sep, 2009
325(34); 11 Sep-17 Sep, 2009
325(35); 18 Sep-24 Sep,
325(36); 2 Oct-8 Oct, 2009
Down To Earth
18(11); 16 Oct-31 Oct, 2009
Health Science
British Medical Journal
7723; 26 Sep-2 Oct, 2009
7724; 3 Oct-10 Oct, 2009

Weekly Epidemiological Records
40; 26 Sep-2 Oct, 2009

Hindi Language & Literature
42(1); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2009

Journalism and Mass communication
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
3(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2009

SEBI and Corporate Law
95(3); 13 Oct-19 Oct,2009
38(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2009
38(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2009
38(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2009

Life Science
BBC Wild Life
27(11); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2009
Journal of Economic and Botany
33(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun, 2009
Journal of Ramanujan Mathematical Society
24(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2009
Mathematics Teacher
103(2); 1 Sep-30 Sep,2009
103(3); 1 Oct-31 Oct,2009
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct,2009
The Physics Teacher
47(7); 1 Oct-31 Oct,2009
47(6); 1 Sep-30 Sep,2009

Political Science
Political Theory
37(5); 1 Sep-31 Oct,2009
International Studies
45(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2009
Social Science
World development
37(9); 1 Sep-30 Sep, 2009
37(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2009
Journal of Peace Research
46(5); 1 Sep-31 Oct, 2009
Social Action
59(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec,2009
Women's Link
15(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec,2009

Tourism Management
30(6); 1 Nov-31 Dec,2009

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