Friday, July 10, 2009

Recent Arrivals in the Serials Section

The readers may browse the following issues which are on the display :
Journal of Economic and Botany-
33(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2009

Distance Education
American Journal of Distance Education-
23(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar, 2009

Educational Theory
59(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2009

15(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2009

Evaluation Review
33(3); 1 May-30 Jun,2009

International Journal of Educational Development
29(4); 1July-31Aug, 2009
29(3); 1May-30Jun, 2009
29(2); 1Mar-30April, 2009

Quality Assurance in Education
17(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun 2009

Journal of econometrics-
150(1); 1 May-31 May 2009
149(2); 1 Apr-30 Apr 2009
149(1); 1 Mar-31 Mar 2009

Review of Economics and Statistics-
91(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun 2009
91(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar 2009

English Literature
The Times Literary Supplement
5542; 19 Jun-25 Jun, 2009
5541; 12 Jun-18 Jun, 2009

Food & Nutrition
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
89(6); 1 Jun-31 Jul, 2009

General Science
Down To Earth
18(4); 1 Jul-15 Jul, 2009

New Scientist
202(2712); 13 Jun-19 Jun 2009
202(2711); 6 Jun-12 Jun 2009

14(6); 1 Jun-30 Jun, 2009

Science Communication
31(4); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2009

Science technology and society
14(1); 1 Jan-30 Jun, 2009

324(20-29); 29 May-4 Jun, 2009
324(22); 12 Jun-18 Jun, 2009
324(21); 5 Jun-11 Jun, 2009

Journal of Chemical Education
86(6); 1 Jun-31 Jul, 2009

Current Science
96(11); 10 Jun-24 Jul, 2009

459(7249); 18 Jun-24 Jun, 2009
459(7248); 11 Jun-17Jun, 2009

Hindi Literature
Hansa (Hindi)
23(12); 1 Jul-31 Jul,2009

29(5); 1 Jul-31 Jul,2009

Madhumati (Hindi)
49(7); 1 Jul-31 Jul,2009

Saakshatkaar (Hindi)
351;1 Mar-31 Mar,2009

Journalism & Mass Communication
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
53(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2009

SEBI and Corporate Law
92(6); 15 Jun-21 Jun,2009


Information Processing and Management-
45(3); 1 May-30 Jun 2009
45(2); 1 Mar-30 Apr, 2009

International Journal of Information Processing-
3(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun, 2009

Library Herald
47(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2009

Indian Journal of Marketing
39(7); 1 Jul-31 Jul,2009

Management Science
55(5); 1 May-31 May,2009

Mathematical Gazette
93(526); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2009

Political Science
Comparative Political Studies
42(6); 1 Jun-30 Jun,2009
42(5); 1 May-31 May,2009

Modern Asian Studies
43(3); 1 May-30 Jun,2009

American Journal of Physics
77(6); 1 Jun-30 Jun,2009

Contributions of Indian Sociology
43(1); 1 Jan-30 Apr, 2009

Sociological Inquiry
79(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2009
79(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2009

51(3); 1 Jun-31 Jul,2009

Social Science
Youth & Society
41(4); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2009

World development
37(6); 1 Jun-3Jun,2009
37(5); 1 May-3May,2009
37(4); 1 Apr-3Apr,2009
37(3); 1 Mar-3Mar,2009

Travel & Tourism
Annals of Tourism Research
36(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2009
36(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2009

Tourism Management
30(4); 1 Jul-31 Aug,2009
30(3); 1 May-30 Jun,2009
30(2); 1 Mar-30 Apr,2009

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