Friday, April 17, 2009

Recent Arrivals in the Serials Section

The readers may browse the following issues which are on the display:
Journal of Chemical Education
86(2); 1 Feb-28 Feb,2009
86(3); 1 Mar-31 Mar,2009

Consumer Protection Judgement
4; [II] 1 Apr-30 Apr,2009

Library Science
College and Research Libraries
70(1); 1 Jan-28 Feb, 2009
Social science
CMIE : Economic Intelligence Service
4; 1 Apr-30 Apr,2009

7(5-6); 1 Sep-31 Dec,2007
8(1-2); 1 Jan-29 Feb,2008

Sociological Bulletin
58(1); 1 Jan-30 Apr,2009

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