Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Arrivals in the Serials Section

The readers may browse the following journals which are on the display:
Computer Science
Communications of the ACM
52(2); 1 Feb-28 Feb,2009

27(3); 1 Feb-15 Feb,2009
27(4); 16 Feb-28 Feb,2009

Education for Information
26(3-4); [COMBINE] 1 Jul-31 Dec,2008

Prospects: Education in France
38(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2008

Research in Higher Education
50(2); 1 Mar-30 Apr,2009

Food and Nutrition
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec,2008

Indian Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics
46(1); 1 Jan-31 Jan,2009
46(2); 1 Feb-28 Feb,2009
46(3); 1 Mar-31 Mar,2009

General Science
Scientific American India
4(3); 1 Mar-31 Mar,2009

Health Sciences
American Journal of Nursing
109(2); 1 Feb-28 Feb,2009

Childhood education
85(3); 1 Mar-31 Mar,2009

Medical Education
43(1); 1 Jan-31 Jan,2009
43(2); 1 Feb-28 Feb,2009

Anuvad II
137; 1 Oct-31 Dec,2008

English language Teaching
63(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2009

Consumer Protection Judgment
3; 1 Mar-31 Mar,2009

Harvard Law Review
122(1); 1 Nov-30 Nov,2008
122(2); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008
122(3); 1 Jan-31 Jan,2009
122(4); 1 Feb-28 Feb,2009

Mathematics Magazines
82(1); 1 Jan-28 Feb,2009

Social Science
Current History
108(715); 1 Feb-28 Feb,2009

Eastern Anthropologist
61(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2008

Economic and Political Weekly
44(6); 7 Feb-13 Feb, 2009
44(7); 14 Feb-20 Feb, 2009
44(8); 21 Feb-27 Feb, 2009
44(9); 28 Feb-6 Mar, 2009

Kurukshetra: a journal of Community Development and Village
57(5); 1 Mar-31 Mar, 2009

595; 1 Mar-31 Mar, 2009

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