Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Recent Arrivals in the Serials Section

The readers may browse the following new issues which are on display:
Chemistry and Industry
18; 29 Sep-13 Oct,2008
22; 24 Nov-8 Dec,2008
23; 8 Dec-22 Dec,2008

Computer Science
Communications of the ACM
51(12); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008
26(22); 15 Nov-30 Nov,2008
26(23); 1 Dec-15 Dec,2008
26(24); 15 Dec-31 Dec,2008

Social Science Computer Review
26(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec,2008

Language Learning
58(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec,2008

The Times Literary Supplement
5516-5517; 19 Dec-31 Dec,2008

Food Technology

Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior
40(6); 1 Nov-31 Dec,2008

General Sciences

456(7224); 18 Dec-24 Dec,2008

Scientific American
3(12); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008

322(47); 28 Nov-4 Dec,2008

Health Sciences
American Journal of Nursing
108(12); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008

Medical Education
42(12); 1 Dec-31 Dec, 2008

Weekly Epidemiological Records
50; 12 Dec-18 Dec,2008
51-52; 19 Dec-25 Dec,2008

Media Asia
34(3-4); 1 Jul-31 Dec,2008

Journal of Legal Education
58(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2008

Modern Law Review
71(6); 1 Nov-31 Dec,2008

Library Science
Education for Information
26(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun,2008

SRELS Journal of Informtion Management
45(4); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008


Mathematics Magazines
81(5); 1 Nov-31 Dec,2008

Mathematics Teacher
102(5); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008


Indian Journal of Physics
82(12); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008

The Physics Teacher
47(1); 1 Jan-31 Jan,2009

Social Sciences
Childhood education
85(2); 1 Jan-28 Feb,2009

Current History
107(713); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008

Economic and Political Weekly
43(47); 22 Nov-28 Nov,2008
43(48); 29 Nov-5 Dec,2008
43(49); 6 Dec-12 Dec,2008
43(50); 13 Dec-19 Dec,2008
43(51); 20 Dec-26 Dec,2008
43(52); 27 Dec,2008 2 Jan,2009

57(2); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008

Journal of econometrics
147(2); 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008

592; 1 Dec-31 Dec,2008
593; 1 Jan-31 Jan,2009

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