Sunday, November 16, 2008

Recent Arrivals in the Serials Section

The readers may browse the following issues which are on display:
Indian Journal of Chemical Technology
15(5); 1 Sep-30 Sep,2008

Computer Science
Digital Learning
4(11); 1 Nov-30 Nov,2008

Journal of Educational Research
102(1); 1 Sep-31 Oct,2008

The Times Higher Education Supplement
1870; 6 Nov-12 Nov,2008

University News
46(40); 6 Oct-12 Oct,2008

General Science

Current Science
95(7); 23 Sep-10 Oct,2008

455(7215); 10 Oct-16 Oct,2008

New Scientist
200(2678); 18 Oct-24 Oct,2008

322(39); 3 Oct-9 Oct,2008

International Review of Applied Linguistics
46(2); 1 Apr-30 Jun, 2008

The Times Literary Supplement
5507; 11 Oct-17 Oct, 2008
5508; 18 Oct-24 Oct, 2008

SEBI and Corporate Law
87(5); 3 Nov-9 Nov,2008
87(6); 10 Nov-16 Nov,2008

Library Science
IFLA Journal
34(3); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2008

Ex-imp Times
30(21); 1 Nov-15 Nov,2008

Indian Management
47(11); 1 Nov-30 Nov, 2008

Mathematics Teacher
102(3); 1 Oct-31 Oct,2008

The Physics Teacher
46(8); 1 Nov-30 Nov,2008

Social Science
Annals of Tourism Research
35(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2008

Journal of Econometrics
146(1); 1 Sep-30 Sep,2008

World Development
36(8); 1 Aug-31 Aug,2008

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