Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Recent Arrivals in the Serials Section

The readers may browse the following issues which are on display :
Chemistry and Industry
16; 5 Aug-23 Aug,2008
Journal of chemical Research
17; 1 Jul-31 Jul, 2008
19; 1 Aug-31 Aug, 2008

Computer Sciences
Communications of the ACM
51(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct,2008
Computer Networks
52(14); 18 Sep-9 Oct,2008

26(18); 30 Sep-14 Oct,2008
26(19); 15 Oct-30 Oct,2008
IEEE Communications Magazine
46(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2008

IEEE Network
22(5); 1 Sep-31 Oct,2008
Distance Education

Open Learning
23(2); 1 May-31 Aug, 2008

Learning, Media and Technology
33(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep, 2008
Harvard Educational Review
78(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2008
Instructional Science
36(5-6); 1 Sep-31 Dec,2008
Research in Higher Education
49(7); 1 Nov-30 Nov, 2008
The Times Higher Education Supplement
1869; 30 Oct-5 Nov, 2008
General Science
BBC Wild Life
26(11); 1 Nov-30 Nov, 2008
Science Reporter
45(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2008
Scientifica American (India)
3(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2008
Health Sciences
American Journal of Nursing.
108(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct,2008
British Medical Journal
7674; 11 Oct-17 Oct,2008
7675; 18 Oct-24 Oct,2008
Child Development
79(5); 1 Sep-31 Oct,2008

Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior
40(5); 1 Sep-31 Oct, 2008
Medical Education
42(10); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2008
ABU Technical Review
235; 1 Jul-30 Sep,2008

Language Learning
58(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2008

Journal of Legal Education
58(1); 1 Jan-31 Mar,2008

Library Science
College and Research Libraries
69(5); 1 Sep-31 Oct,2008

Financial Executive
24(8); 1 Oct-31 Oct,2008

American Journal of Mathematics
130(5); 1 Sep-31 Oct,
Mathematics Magazines
81(4); 1 Sep-31 Oct, 2008

Social Science
Creativity Research Journal
20(3); 1 Jul-30 Sep,2008
Current History.
107(711); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2008

Economic and Political Weekly
43(39); 27 Sep-3 Oct,2008
43(40); 4 Oct-10 Oct,2008
43(41); 11 Oct-17 Oct,2008
43(42); 18 Oct-24 Oct,2008

History Workshop
66; 1 Jul-31 Dec, 2008

56(12); 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2008

New Left Review
53; 1 Sep-31 Oct, 2008
590; 1 Oct-31 Oct, 2008

Women's Link
14(4); 1 Oct-31 Dec, 2008

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