Thursday, September 18, 2008

News Clippings on Distance Education


Distance and open learning system is growing very extensively in the country. A rigorous assessment system is needed to bring accountability in the open and distance learning system. The entire distance education network is being put under the purview of accreditation. Full text
Distance Education council (DEC) plans to regularize distance education through out the country. The universities offering distance education programmes will need to get them accredited by DEC. This is being done to bring accountability in the distance and open learning in the country. Full text at
Distance Education Council (DEC) is responsible for promoting and maintaining standards in distance education in the country. It has asked universities to seek its approval for conducting distance education programmes. Full text at
The University Grants Commission said that M.Phil degrees offered by DEC recognized institutions are valid across the country. Earlier the education department had banned the M.Phil degrees acquired through this mode. Distance education Council has given provisional recognition to 144 institutions in India to offer courses in various subjects. Full text at
The post graduate research degrees acquired through distance mode are not recognized in Assam. The students with such degrees are not eligible for the posts of lectures in the colleges of Assam. There are 2000 students and lecturers pursuing M.Phil course through distance mode. Full text at
Distance Education
Distance education is gaining popularity among the youngsters of the country. The students prefer to do post graduation through distance learning because most of them start working after graduation. There are some students who want to add to their qualifications and distance learning suits all of them. Full text at
IGNOU has 84 programmes and 800 courses to offer; there are 11 lac students enrolled in its various programmes.It has jurisdiction over 104 institutions, funded by Distance Education Council (DEC) all over the county and are recognized by the government for employment. Full text at
Efforts are being taken to promote distance education in Gujarat. The importance of distance education in the country can be gauged from the fact that 2 main open universities IGNOU and BAOU have shown a quantum increase in the enrolment of the students and this is likely to increase in the coming years. Full text at
Delhi University will start its own distance learning centre called the Campus of Open learning. The new campus will comprise the faculty of open learning, the department of distance and continuing education, the school of open learning and the open learning development centre. Full text at
The four practicing doctors have filed a public interest petition (PIL) against the state Government’s decision to launch a six month certificate course on diabetology through distance mode. The doctors describe the proposed course as mockery of medical education. The court has not stayed the course. It says that the admission to the course will depend upon the outcome of the petition. Full text at
The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTel) is a collaborative venture of 7 IITs and IISc, Bangalore for creating technology driven content for Engineering and science courses. It is being funded by MHRD.It has recommended that 1.6 lac Engineering teachers are required in the country. Distance education is a partial way of addressing this issue of shortage of teachers. Full text at
The Management programmes of IGNOU are very popular among the distance learners. Every year 60,000-70,000 students take OPENMA T examination to get entry in to IGNOU’s management programme and at least 10,000 students get selected; out of this 2000 are able to clear the MBA. OPENMAT is held twice a year. The MBA programmes offers specialization in various fields like HRM, finance, marketing and so forth. Full text at
EDUSAT has been launched by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) through Geostationary Launch Vehicle. The educational institutions which offer education through distance mode will be benefited a lot. It will help in the growth and development of education, agriculture, health care and community development programmes. Full text at
The School of Open Learning, Delhi University will launch a 24 hour query helpline via e- mail and mobile. A guest faculty will be appointed as a counselor for a group of 20 students. Distance learning in foreign countries has been upgraded to a level where it can complete with the conventional education. Full text at

The National Knowledge Commission has recommended massive expansion of Open and distance learning system in order to attain the gross enrolment of 15% by 2015. Distance education provides opportunities to those who discontinue formal education and who can not secure admission in conventional universities. The quality of distance education should be improved to enable it to attend to the needs of the society. Full text at

IGNOU offers many non traditional, need based courses like advanced certificate in power distribution management, certificate course in disaster management, environmental studies, food and nutrition, human rights, nutrition and child care, consumer protection, rural development, food safety and so forth. It is further planning to start a certificate course on sericulture. Full text at

There has been change in the students’ perception of distance education. The distance education programmes have improved in terms of syllabus. The job market also welcomes the students with distance education degrees. The open universities are experiencing increasing annual growth in the number of students. Full text at

Distance education is gaining popularity among the society. This is due to the BPO (Business Process Outsource) and an increase in the number of working population.It suits to the people who have limited time but strong urge to pursue higher education. Full text at

IGNOU is proposing major change in higher education in the country. The scheme on convergence of Open and Distance learning (ODL) and conventional system intends to bridge the gap between the two modes of education. Under this programme of convergence, the conventional universities can collaborate with IGNOU for offering dual or joint degrees. The students of conventional universities can pursue value added program from IGNOU with their regular courses. Full text at

Gandhigram Rural Institute has decided to offer distance education programs in order to meet the needs of the unreached sections of the society. The Institute has plans to introduce programs in the field of applied research, cooperation, early childhood care and education, English and communicative studies, Panchayati Raj and rural development through distance mode. Full text at
Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU) has decided to offer 7 Diploma courses in the field of financial management, text practice, advanced accounting, indirect taxes, insurance, operation research and advanced cost accounting. These courses are likely to generate employment. The university will conduct examination online. Each student will be provided a password after enrolment so that he could start education from his home. Full text at

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi is adopting distant learning mode as part of its industry outreach programme in the national capital region. IIT, in its plot project to outreach working professionals will offer live classes, two way interactions and panel discussions, special lectures through video conferencing. Full text at

IGNOU and Pearl Academy of Fashion Technology have recently signed a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for offering distance education programmes in fashion technology and related streams. Full text at

The increasing number of students is looking at educational avenues in open universities. The distance education system allows students the flexibility of choosing a variety of programmes and completing them at their own pace. Full text at

The engineering courses offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) are gaining immense popularity among the engineering aspirants of the country. Full text at
Information Technology has completely revolutionized higher education. It has led to the virtual collapse of traditional institutions and emergence of a global village characterized by “ shrinking time, shrinking space and disappearing borders.” Full text at

IGNOU is national open university, set up by an Act of Parliament in1985It has been set up to democratize and open doors of higher education to all and make learning innovative, flexible ,job oriented and cost effective. Full text at

An online management monitoring system (OMMS) which will help distance learners to interact with the administration of Madurai Kamaj University (MKU) has been inaugurated at the University’s Chennai Information Centre.

Indira Gandhi National Open university is initiating efforts to promote technology enabled education and training for the overall development of the country.The Inter University Consortium for Technology Enabled Flexible Education for Development (IUC-TEFED)will be the nodal point for distance and open learning-learning and new knowledge creation. Full text at

Indira Gandhi National Open Unjiversity has diversifiedits distance education programmes being offered to the students. It has introduced many new courses like Diploma in Cadiology,Diploma in dairy farming and many more.
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The institutes/universities offering courses through distance mode are mushrooming thse days . these are offering distance education programmes without seeking approval either of DEC OR UGC. This trend needs to be checked before it assumes bigger proportions. Full text at
Quality Control
It is very appalling to know that the several lakh degree certificate awarded by the University of Madras and other state universities are not valid for seeking employment in the Central government department. It has been revealed that the degrees are not at all approved by the Distance education council(DEC), a statutory regulatory body functioning under Indira Gandhi National Open university. Full text at

The Union Human Resource Development Ministry plans to set up an independent distance education regulatory body which will monitor and maintain the standards of open and distance learning in the country. Full text at

The institutes/universities offering courses through distance mode are mushrooming thse days . They are offering distance education programmes without seeking approval either of DEC OR UGC.This trend needs to be checked before it assumes bigger proportions. Full text at

Education loan
Corporation Bank has decided to give education loan to the students pursuing education through distance mode. Full text at

The Finance Ministry has reprimanded MHRD for underutilization of funds allotted to it. The allocation of MHRD has increased to Rs.7593 from Rs.6480. The funds are not adequately utilized. The situation is more serious in the distance education sector. Full text at

The Centre has asked the various state governments to increase their expenditure on education. The expenditure on education is 3.54%of GDP against the target to increase it to 6%. The expenditure on education by the states is dwindling and it affects the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER).Full text at
Study Centres
Vice-Chancellor of Bharathiar University has announced that 100 city centres of School of distance Education will be set up through out the country. Full text at
IIT, Kharagapur and University of Southern California-Viterbia, School of Engineering will collaborate in the field of IT/Communication, biomedical technology and engineering management. The USC-Viterbi School’s Distance Education Network will play a pivotal role in the tie up. Full text at

The new schemes in distance education in India includes collaboration with foreign universities. The University of Jadhavpur is designing distance education in partnership with Dhaka University, University of Vienna and Brunel University of UK. DEC, India has relaxed territorial jurisdiction of universities so that these could reach out to a larger section of students. The study centers must adhere to the DEC guidelines on core faculty, regional services, counseling, learning support and other ancillary items. Full text at

The Oberoi-IGNOU collaboration is part of the IGNOU’s initiative to converge conventional education and distance mode of learning. The relationship between STEP (Systematic Training and Education Programme is industry-education institution collaboration. Oberoi Centre of Learning and Development (OCLD) offers a three year programme-it provides undergraduates training in the field of hotel management and operations. The students can join this programme and simultaneously pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism studies from IGNOU. Full text at

Distance Education can widen the access to education. It is a means of reducing the expenses of face to face education in the conventional universities without reducing the value of the basic degree. Full text at

The first formal 3800 km fibre optic education grid (edugrid) has been activated between Dimapur (Nagaland) and Thiruvananthapuram stations. The link has raised the possibility of setting up an education hub around every railway station. The students of School of Engineering, Dimapur will get to access some 6000 hours of video lectures by 350 teachers of 7 IITs,Indian Institute of Science. RailTel, a subsidiary of the railways has also launched WiFi Net access at select railway stations. Full text at
Online teaching
Distance Education Council, (DEC), India has allowed all premier institutes in the country to offer online courses. The IITs and IIMs are free to design online courses and setup virtual campus to reach out to a wider section of students. Full Text at

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